Our HIPAA compliance service provides an audit and implementation of your organization's compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), using the following methodology:
Comprehensive review of your organization's policies, procedures, and operations to determine HIPAA compliance gaps
Identification of potential risks and vulnerabilities to Protected Health Information (PHI)
Development and implementation of HIPAA-compliant policies and procedures to address identified gaps and mitigate risks
Employee training and education to ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations
Regular compliance monitoring and risk assessments to maintain compliance and identify new risks and vulnerabilities
Presentation of findings and recommendations for remediation of vulnerabilities to enhance the HIPAA compliance of your organization
As certified auditors, our NIS and NIS 2 compliance service provides audits and implementation of your organization's compliance with the NIS/NIS2 Regulations, using the following methodology:
Comprehensive review of your organization's policies, procedures, and operations to determine compliance gaps with NIS and NIS 2 regulations
Identification of potential risks and vulnerabilities to your organization's critical infrastructure and essential services
Development and implementation of policies and procedures to address identified gaps and mitigate risks
Regular compliance monitoring and risk assessments to maintain compliance and identify new risks and vulnerabilities
Preparation of compliance reports and documents required for certification with the National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC)
Presentation of findings and recommendations for remediation of vulnerabilities to enhance the NIS and NIS 2 compliance of your organization.
ISO 27001
Our ISO 27001 compliance service provides an audit and implementation of your organization's compliance with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 27001 standard, using the following methodology:
Comprehensive review of your organization's policies, procedures, and operations to determine compliance gaps with ISO 27001 standard
Identification of potential risks and vulnerabilities to your organization's information security
Development and implementation of policies and procedures to address identified gaps and mitigate risks
Employee training and education to ensure compliance with ISO 27001 regulations
Regular compliance monitoring and risk assessments to maintain compliance and identify new risks and vulnerabilities
Preparation of compliance reports and documents required for certification with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Presentation of findings and recommendations for remediation of vulnerabilities to enhance the ISO 27001 compliance of your organization
Our NIST compliance service provides an audit and implementation of your organization's compliance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework, focusing on the Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover phases, using the following methodology:
Comprehensive review of your organization's policies, procedures, and operations to determine compliance gaps with NIST Cybersecurity Framework
Identification of potential risks and vulnerabilities to your organization's information security
Employee training and education to ensure compliance with NIST regulations
Presentation of findings and recommendations for remediation of vulnerabilities to enhance the security of your binary applications
Regular compliance monitoring and risk assessments to maintain compliance and identify new risks and vulnerabilities
Preparation of compliance reports and documents required for certification with NIST
Presentation of findings and recommendations for remediation of vulnerabilities to enhance the NIST compliance of your organization.
Our PCI-DSS compliance service provides an audit and implementation of your organization's compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), using the following methodology:
Comprehensive review of your organization's policies, procedures, and operations to determine compliance gaps with PCI-DSS
Identification of potential risks and vulnerabilities to your organization's payment card data security
Development and implementation of policies and procedures to address identified gaps and mitigate risks, based on PCI-DSS best practices
Employee training and education to ensure compliance with PCI-DSS regulations
Regular compliance monitoring and risk assessments to maintain compliance and identify new risks and vulnerabilities
Preparation of compliance reports and documents required for certification with PCI-DSS
Presentation of findings and recommendations for remediation of vulnerabilities to enhance the PCI-DSS compliance of your organization
Covering all 12 PCI-DSS requirements
Our GDPR compliance service provides an audit and implementation of your organization's compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), using the following methodology:
Comprehensive review of your organization's data protection policies, procedures, and operations to determine compliance gaps with GDPR
Identification of personal data held by your organization and potential risks and vulnerabilities to its security
Development and implementation of policies and procedures to address identified gaps and mitigate risks, based on GDPR best practices
Data protection impact assessments to identify and address privacy risks related to personal data processing activities
Employee training and education to ensure compliance with GDPR regulations
Regular compliance monitoring and risk assessments to maintain compliance and identify new risks and vulnerabilities
Preparation of compliance reports and documents required for GDPR certification
Presentation of findings and recommendations for remediation of vulnerabilities to enhance the GDPR compliance of your organization
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